
Air Cannon, Air Blaster from Puyang Zhongshi Group Co., Ltd

Air cannon or Air blaster, also known as air flow-aiding machine or bunker dredger (block clearer), is a special device for preventing and removing material arching and blocking in various types of silo, hopper, preheater kiln, piping crotch and draw shaft and slide slope.

Normal Temperature Air cannon (Air Blaster) from Puyang Zhongshi Group Co., Ltd:

High Temperature Air cannon (Air Blaster) from Puyang Zhongshi Group Co., Ltd:

Puyang Zhongshi Group Co., Ltd

Office Tel: ​+86 371 87096211
​Mobile: +86 18538583686, 15838304721
Whatsapp: +86 15838304721
Email: ​ sale05@chinajixie.com 

